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You and the News

You have probably noticed, there is often very little real news on “the news”.  On any typical news program we hear a headline or two of actual news, followed by an hour of agendas, opinions, rumors, or sensationalism.  This can flood our minds with troubling thoughts of fear and anger.  This is not where a disciple’s mind is to be (Philippians 4:8, Colossians 3:1-2).

While it is wise to stay informed of the world around you (I check news apps daily), you must not become consumed by the news.  As one of God’s children, you must amplify His Word in your life so that His is the dominant voice you are hearing and heeding. This is critical! God’s Word enables you to process what is happening in the world from a position of security in the sovereignty of God.  God’s Word reminds you to operate in this world by faith in Him, rather than in fear of men! Regardless of each day’s breaking news, your move is always to trust Him and follow Him. 

What happens in Washington, Richmond, and Beijing does impact us, but none of that ever changes our God-given mission.  Yes, our context may get more challenging, but the mission is the same.  We are Spirit-filled disciples of Jesus with a calling to make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20, 2 Timothy 2:2).  Being in God’s Word daily steadies us and keeps this calling at the forefront of our minds.   

So, do not merely watch the news. Fulfill your calling of spreading The News!  The gospel is the good news everyone in our troubled world desperately needs to hear. I encourage you to put on a SMRBC wristband each day (or put one in your pocket), and remind yourself of the message of hope you get to share with those around you.  An explanation of the symbols on the wristband is available on our website. Daily pray and look for opportunities to share the news of a Savior who offers forgiveness, peace, hope, and purpose to those who know Him.  You can also offer the wristband to someone as an invitation to join you for church online or in person.

Do you need another wristband?  Pick one up this Sunday in the foyer, or stop by the church office this week.

In His good news of great joy!
