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Pregnancy Center Baby Shower

Supporting Pregnancy Center of Metro Richmond and East End Pregnancy Center

May 7th 2023
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Snacks, Desserts, and Refreshments
Click here to RSVP!
Click here for a list of items for donation
Click the button below to give directly

Join us for a baby shower in support of our Richmond Pregnancy Centers. SMRBC supports the ministries Pregnancy Center of Metro Richmond and the East End Pregnancy Center, and wants to celebrate this partnership by throwing a "baby shower."

In preparation for this event, we'll be collecting items to donate to the center. These donations can be brought to the foyer in the weeks leading up to the shower or directly to the shower on that day. You can also give directly to support the centers by clicking below. At the baby shower we'll hear from leaders at both Pregnancy Centers of how we can continue to support them in giving or in service and how we can continue to minister to those in crisis pregnancies.

PRC of Metro RichmondEast End Pregnany Center

Click Here to RSVP