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SMRBC Weather Closing Updates

In the event of a weather event, SMRBC pastors and church staff collaborate on safety and accessibility concerns for church services and make decisions as soon as they are able concerning closures. Before hitting the road to come to church, check the following places for the latest decisions regarding SMRBC closings. 

SMRBC.ORG - One of the best and first updated places for weather updates. Look for a news alert and graphic at the top of the homepage.

Facebook: Easy and fast to update, Facebook is often updated immediately with closings. Check on our official page or in our group page.

Email: Within minutes of a weather-related closing, SMRBC will send out an email to its newsletter subscribees. (Your email settings may affect delivery speed)

Channel 12: For major closings, SMRBC will attempt to post the information to Channel 12. Postings are dependent on Channel 12 priorities for the event.

Phone System: If the weather allows, the church's voice mail at 804-672-6811 will be updated with a message concerning the closure.

As always, we advise you and your family to use your best judgment on whether it is safe to travel to the church. Even in inclement weather, SMRBC will often be able to stream a service at 11 AM at for the church body to worship together on a Sunday morning.